Sunday, August 9, 2009


Our next cross country road trip has officially begun! As excited as I am to hit the road again, I'm very sad to be bringing Lindsey and Bryan back to school :( The summer was all too short, but we had a blast!

This trek started out with a quick drive to LA to drop off Bryan's car. This is going to be a whirlwind trip with NO wiggle room for error, so we needed to have his car in place at the school, waiting for him when he arrives there after our journey. Rich and Bryan headed down the 5 and brought as much of Bryan's stuff as they could get into the car. This was Bryan's first time actually driving the car to LA. They got everything moved into his apartment, met up with April for dinner, and flew home.

We had three days to pick up the RV, pack the rest of Bryan's things, all of Lindsey's gear, and our stuff for the road. Oops - Murphy's Law! The RV wasn't ready just yet to pick up. Remember the Harris Ranch incident at the gas station? Well, everything is back together and looking good now, but the surgery took longer than expected! So we ended up getting the RV the night before we left (no problem, we are good under pressure).

Erin is on board with us for the first part of the journey! It's nice to be a teacher who has summers off :) Mississippi, here we come!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man! I hope Bryan didn't really drive the RV!!!
