Sunday, August 9, 2009

Aug 8 - Loaded up, and headed out

OK, Bryan's car is in place, now we need to get Lindsey's car on board. We called Rich's cousin in Gustine who owns a U-Haul business and arranged for a trailer. Pretty slick!! After a few adjustments to the hitch we were on our way.

We stopped at Harris Ranch for lunch, then set out to see about some protection for the front end of the car. We didn't think about all the sand, dust and rocks that we would surely encounter going across the desert. We came up with a moving blanket and a bungee web - works great!

Pulled in to the Calico KOA for our first night. We pulled out the maps and travel books and made sure that the trip we planned out was really doable. Guess we better hit the hay, next stop - The Grand Canyon!

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