Monday, May 11, 2009

Wer're Home ! Sunday (Mother's Day)

  We took our time waking up this morning, Rich made an egg scramble breakfast, and we rearranged the kids stuff again.  Had to go by Bryan's apt. one more time to pack up the rest of his things that wouldn't fit in the car last night.  Said goodbye to his room mates (met Staphon's family - yay!), stopped by Bryan's mailbox one more time, and headed out.  It was so good to have Bryan on board with us now.  I think Rich was looking forward to having another guy in the vehicle.  I decided to relinquish the navigator's seat to Bryan, and Lindsey and I were able to chat on the coach for the drive home.  This was the first time in the whole trip that we left the GPS off, we've made this trip a million times!

We traveled almost 6000 miles, and went through 14 states with no major incident.  Well, except when we hit Harris Ranch - literally  (but we can fix that).   When we got home, the kids had planned a real great dinner for Mother's day!  We had yummy Nachos in the dining room (we had been craving them for two weeks), beautiful flowers, and a really cute edible dessert bouquet!  We have absolutely the best kids and son-in-law!!!! 

We had the greatest time ever on this trip!  We saw so much of the country in just two short weeks.  Most definitely, we will have to do this again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Best. Line. Ever. : "We traveled almost 6000 miles, and went through 14 states with no major incident. Well, except when we hit Harris Ranch - literally (but we can fix that).
