Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aug. 10 - Long Drive

We got up not so bright and early today as planned. I guess coming in at 2am last night (really this morning) put us off schedule a bit. We were supposed to drive about 7 1/2 hours to Roswell, but map quest was a little ambitious!

On our previous road trip we didn't have time to stop in Winslow Arizona to see the famous corner, so this time out we didn't want to miss it. We sang the song (standin' on the corner in Winslow Arizona got seven women on my mind ....take it easy, take it e-easy, don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy! ...etc) as best we could, parked our very long vehicle on the tiny street, and went exploring. It was pretty hot so we went into a cute little souvenir shop where Bryan got a "Root 66 Beer" (that's root beer Winslow style!), Rich got a shirt and us girls got some stickers. Then, as fortune would have it, we found a scrapbook store!!!!

Back on the road we entered Roswell into the GPS, and........, how could this be? Still 7 1/2 hours to go ??? Oops! No problem, we just pulled into the nearest Super Wall Mart, stocked up on groceries and headed to the Albequerque KOA. It turned out to be a nice break from driving, and gave us time to have a home cooked RV meal and watch the movie "Sphere" to get us ready for Roswell tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe, I love you guys. A scrapbook store in the middle of nowhere, and Sphere? Awesome.
