Friday, August 14, 2009

Aug 14 - Little Rock, AR

We got up early today, did some laundry, and headed to Central High School in Little Rock. This was the place that in 1957, 9 black students were trying to attend classes at an all white school. The tension, hatred, fear and violence was more than the police could handle. The National guard was called in, and they were present at the school for the entire year. There was a really great visitors center across the street that chronicled the events leading up to, during, and after that event. They had some very powerful videos, pictures and personal accounts told by the actual "Little Rock Nine" as they were called. This really got to me. I can't believe that this could happen, and some people actually thought it was justified!! This is a place that every American should visit, and hopefully the past injustices against our own people will never be repeated.

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