Sunday, August 8, 2010

Aug. 7, 2010 Sand Dunes

We left Santa Fe this morning to pick up LeeAnne, Paul and Bryan from the Albuquerque airport. Rich dropped me and Erin at Wal-mart to stock up on groceries, and he and Lindsey headed to the airport. Yay! We’re all here!! Off to The White Sands National Monument!

This is quite a detour off the highway, but we were very excited to see the dunes. It was a long drive, and the visitor center closed at 7pm. We held our breath all the way that we would not be late. If we missed the park hours, the extra 4 hours would have been for nothing. We pulled in with about 20 minutes to spare! We bought our snow discs and wax and headed out onto the dunes. We had a great time zipping down the slopes! It was almost like sledding in Alaska! The worst part was climbing back up the sand with the disc so we could all get a turn. We had SO much fun, the detour was definatly worth the drive!

Now it’s on to Carlsbad. We stopped in Alamogordo at Chilis for dinner then headed out into the very dark, winding, mountains for about 230 more miles. We climbed to over 9000ft! I’ll bet it was a really pretty drive if we could have just seen it L We finally came down from the mountains and pulled into our KOA at 2am. Had a great time getting the Jones’ tent set up by flashlight – ha ha haJ

Tomorrow we hit the caverns bright and early.

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