Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aug. 12, 2010 - Swamp Tour

Today is our swamp tour!! We pulled into McGee’s Landing at 8:30 to check in for our tour, and the girl behind the desk gave us a slightly panicked look. It seems even though our reservation was listed right there in their books, the boats were right there in Michigan!! She was really apologetic, and a bit embarrassed. She then went into rescue mode to make sure that our adventure would happen. She found us a boat at a nearby landing and got us all registered by phone. We drove just a short distance, and found the operators at Basin Landing feverishly installing extra seats on a brand new boat, just for us!! The guide could not have been nicer, or more informative. This was the first time that our boat had been out for a tour, and one of the first times our guide had taken it out!

The swamp was very low, which is the best way to see it. There were huge flocks of birds everywhere, and moss hanging from all the trees. It was very picturesque, and peaceful! Our driver knows where the alligators are and pretty much could take us right to them. This is amazing because the Atchafalaya Swamp is over 120 miles long and more that 25 miles across! He would cut the engine, tap on the floor of the boat with a stick, and call to the gators. Up they would pop, excited for the marshmallows that they knew they would be getting. He tried several times to grab the gators by the tail to bring them aboard so we could feel their skin, but they were not cooperating. When we came back to the landing at the end of our tour, the guide headed at great speed straight for the bank and right up the grassy hill! WaHoooo! We spent about an hour and a half on the swamp then went to lunch at Sonic and back to the RV for games, TV (it didn’t work), laundry runs and much needed rest. We had a BBQ dinner in camp and planned the rest of our adventure.

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