Monday, August 2, 2010

Aug. 2, 2010 - Extraterrestrial Highway

Wow! Today was quite an adventure. The Extraterrestrial Highway was really awesome! There is still security there, we saw scouts checking the boundary fence. There is a really hefty fine if you stray beyond any orange markers. It would be so cool to explore all there is out in Area 51, but it takes 7 hours to get across without stopping, so unless you are planning to stay out in the middle of nowhere, you don’t have too much time for exploration. The nearest towns on both ends of the Highway are still hours away. We did, however, make one stop in Rachel, NV. This is a little outpost about half way across the Highway. The one and only building here is “The Little A’Le’Inn”, a small gift shop and restaurant. Outside they have a flying saucer being towed by a tow truck and a sign that welcomes all species! A few miles down the road is the most photographed mail box in the United States – It is from this spot where the box stands, that the majority of UFO sightings have been photographed! We have travelled through some really desolate places in the past, but this is the most expansive, barren area that I have ever seen! Anything can be, and probably is, hidden here.

We were heading to Cedar City, UT for the night, and we came across a sign for the ruins of the old city of Irontown. It was only 3 miles off of the highway, so we decided to check it out. We had a nice walk around and looked at the remains of a small blast furnace, a charcoal kiln, a sand grinder and some homes of the miners. We arrived at the KOA about 8:30pm and BBQ’d chicken for dinner. Tomorrow we are headed for Colorado.

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