Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Aug 3, 2010 - Zip Line and Aspen CO.

What a beautiful campsite this is! They offer all sorts of adventures for guests as well as the general public such as zip lining, rafting, kayaking, ropes course and bungee jumping! We decided to go zip lining! I was pretty nervous, but I really wanted to do it. We left from a tower on one side of the Colorado River, and landed on another tower on the other side. It was GREAT!!! I did so well that I really built up a head of steam and everyone cleared a path for me at the landing!! Ha ha ha! It wasn’t pretty, but it was fun! Then came the worst part. We had to cross a slatted suspension bridge with no side rails. In places, the slats were over 2 feet apart! We were hooked to a cable above us, just in case we fell! I actually kept it together until a few feet from the end. My legs were shaking so badly that I could hardly stand up. I barely had time for a breather, and they hooked us up again for the return zip across the river. It was hard to take the leap off the platform, but I finally crouched down and leaned off. The zipping was really great, but the bridge was insane! Rich, Erin and Lindsey did a great job! They all encouraged me the whole time :)

We went back to the RV for lunch and Lindsey had to take a final for her business class on-line. It took her a while to get her password straightened out, but she finally did and she passed! We then drove to Aspen! What a GREAT town! How cute the whole place is. Great shopping and some pretty upscale restaurants. We ate dinner at "The Wild Fig". It was fantastic! We had some rain, but that didn't slow us down at all. We had a super day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the zip lining was fun! I wish I could have been there. Mom - It doesn't surprise me that you were most afraid of the suspension bridge. :o)
