Friday, August 20, 2010

Aug. 19, 2010 on the way to St. Louis, MO

This morning was the ultimate in early morning departures! We had Erin and Bryan pack up their stuff last night so we could just wake up and go. This helped, but our alarms still needed to be set for 5:15am. That’s right! They had to be at the Louisville airport by 6:30. They both flew together as far as Phoenix, then they went their separate ways; Erin to Oakland, and Bryan to Ontario. Shoot! I forgot to take their picture at the airport L It is really hard to say goodbye to all the kids, we have had so much fun together. I hope that we will have a chance to do this more often!!

Rich and I came back from the airport and caught a couple more hours of sleep, then packed up to head out. Our levelers have ALWAYS been problematic, but now it seems that we have a serious issue. We can’t get one of them to retract, and we can’t drive with it down. Finally got it working and hit the road about 2pm.

Our first stop was Dinosaur World in the Mammoth Caves area of Kentucky. We didn’t stay long because we had a long drive to St. Louis MO., our destination for the night. We snapped a few pictures for the coffee table book and headed on to Metropolis, IL. to see the Superman Statue! Well, so much for moving right along. Going through Bowling Green, KY, we spotted signs for the National Corvette Museum! Wow! They had every Corvette model ever made, and several “one of a kind”! Rich was in seventh heaven! I’m glad that we stopped, this was truly something that you could not see anywhere else. After walking through the entire museum and reading almost every sign, we had just stepped into the gift shop and they announced that the museum was now closed. Talk about lucky!! Rich bought a pin for his hat, I bought a magnet, and off we went. OK, well I guess I should have done my homework on this area. We came upon another find as we passed through Paducah, IL. – The National Quilting Museum! By the time we passed by, they were long closed for the evening L Oh well, it’s good to leave something for the next time. Finally, we made it to Metropolis!!! I was pretty sure that they couldn’t close a statue, but I did hope that it would be illuminated! There it was, right in front of Metropolis City Hall and lit up with two spotlights! We got our quick pictures and headed on to Granite City just outside of St. Louis. We arrived at camp a little after 1am.


  1. That's such a perfect stop for Dad! Did he beg to bring one home?

  2. Yes he did! You know him well :) He almost bought a $250 raffle ticket to get a 1 in 500 chance to win one!
