Monday, August 16, 2010

Aug. 15,2010 - around Jackson MS.

I don’t think that we could have picked a hotter day to tour around Lindsey’s school! She was really excited to show LeeAnne and Paul around. Some of the classroom buildings were closed, but we were able to see all of the dorms, the student center, and the dance center. I really like the dorm that Lindsey is in this year! It is the oldest one on campus and stands right in the middle of the school property. I mean the oldest in a good way. Very historic and classically southern! She has a single room, and shares a bathroom with 2 other girls. Her room looks out onto the student center and meandering walkways, lined with Myrtle trees and Azaleas. This campus is really very beautiful,!

After we got all of Lindsey’s things up to her room (on the third floor!!!) we went to McAllister’s for lunch. Then we toured around Jackson and saw some of her and Brett’s favorite spots, including the Rez. This is a huge reservoir where people boat, ski, fish, swim and picnic. Then it was off to see the State Capital building, and the Governor’s Mansion. Yikes! Could it be any hotter? I think not! Our next stop was “Bop’s” (again) for some frozen Custard.

Brett came back to the RV with us all, and the ”kids” played board games while Rich and I caught up on e-mails and watched a movie. It was great hanging out in the air conditioning and having fun together. After several hours of “Munchkin” they called it a night. We said goodbye to Brett, and Lindsey packed her things to move out of the RV. Erin spent the night with Lindsey in the dorm and helped her to put the finishing touches on her room.

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