Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dec 7 - drive to San Antonio

Today we got up and on the road by noon. Kind of a late start, but as it turned out it worked to our advantage because the driving conditions were the best they would be all day. It seemed like it was going to be a beautiful day, but almost as soon as we left the campground, the weather began to turn cold and cloudy. As we progressed, the snow that was in the mountains began coming closer and closer to the road. It was very foggy, and with the temperature so low, we were afraid of black ice. After about 2 hours it began to clear. Still foggy, but no more snow.

We stopped in Camanche Springs at McDonalds for lunch. When we left the restaurant, Barb slipped on some ice in the parking lot! She's a little sore on her hip, but OK :) Our next stop was for dinner at Chili's, about an hour and a half from San Antonio.

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