Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dec 13 - AZ Territorial Prison, and on to CA

Today we got up early and went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Then we headed to the Arizona Territorial Prison. We walked around the old cell blocks, and looked at several artifacts from the actual inmates. One interesting thing is that when they closed the prison, it was then used for the Yuma High School for a short period of time. The school's team was even called "The Prisoners"! Looking out from the prison grounds, you could see the Colorado river.

The scenery leaving Yuma was very pretty with lots of planted fields and dairy farms. Again we were very close to the border of Mexico, so we encountered 3 Border Patrol checkpoints. This slowed us down a bit, but it was exciting! We even saw the officers pull over a few cars, take a lady away and the really cool sniffer dogs!! I guess that everything was OK with the lady because we saw her later down the road with her Mexico license plates :)

Almost as soon as we left Yuma, we saw the Imperial Sand Dunes. There were several ATV's scurrying up and down the dunes and it sure looked like fun! The next point of interest as we entered CA was the Sonny Bono Salton Sea. Yes, I did say the "Sonny Bono" Salton Sea - lol. It was HUGE! It seemed to go along for miles and miles. Even though we were pretty far from the border by this time, we still went through one more checkpoint just before Palm Desert. After waiting to get through, we decided to stop here for lunch (Palm Desert, not the checkpoint).

Coming into the LA area, we saw hundreds and hundreds of windmills and snow in the mountains. Then it was on to Santa Barbara. We made a quick stop in Calabasas at Johnny Rockets for dinner and enjoyed all the Christmas lights at the mall.

About 10:30pm, we pulled into the OceanMesa campground at El Capitan for the night.

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