Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dec 4 - arrived in Mesa, AZ

As you can see from the picture in the last post, we had a great time at Pea Soup Andersens! After about a 7 hour drive, we arrived in Barstow for dinner, then on to Yermo for the night. We headed out in the morning for Mesa, AZ. This was a solid day of driving, not much to do along the way :( We stopped at a McDonalds in Needles for lunch, then refueled. It was crazy!! First stop - pumps were taped off, no gas. Second attempt - the pumps only put out one gallon per minute! It gave me time to run the car, take a walk with Barb, and Rich to get some coffee. After all of that, the tank was just about filled, ha ha ha! Then we drove the rest of the way into Mesa and had sandwiches in the RV for dinner. Mom took some time to get a few Christmas cards signed, and we watched a little "Food Network" on TV. Tomorrow we will tour around Phoenix and the surrounding area.


  1. Looks like you are having a blast so far! :) YAY! I miss you all, but have a good trip!
