Friday, May 1, 2009

We Made It !

Here is Rich having lunch at a "Love's Truck Stop" in Texas.  It's a long road to MS!

Finally, we have arrived in Mississippi!  Didn't post last night because we got to the park, hooked up and met Linds and Brett in Jackson for dinner :)  It was a long drive, but very nice.  Our RV park is in Vicksburg, MS which is quite an historical site.  This was the last stand of the South during the Civil War.  It is on the Mississippi river and has a huge paddle wheel river boat docked as a floating casino.  They are excavating one of the iron clad ships used during the war near here.  It is the USS Cairo which was named after Cairo, IL., the home of my great grand parents. It was a Union ship, sent by General Grant to defend the Union's hold on the southern Mississippi River. Here is an interesting link to it's history:

We are going to tour around here today, then return to Belhaven to pack up Lindsey.  We are planning to head out on Saturday. 

Our drive here from Texas was really interesting.  The small farming towns that we passed through were really quaint.  Each home was situated on several acres of land, almost all with cattle roaming around.  I spent several days trying to spot a Texas longhorn and when I finally saw not one, but three, I couldn't get my camera out fast enough :(  But trust me, their horns stuck out so far that I think it would be hard for them to get too close to anything!  

As we approached Louisiana, we saw more and more swampy land.  Again, I couldn't capture the shady Bayous because they were either too shaded and dark, or the snuck up on us and passed too quickly.  There was really no safe place to have stopped for a picture.  The trees along the highway were very dense, with vines growing up on every trunk and branch.  We could catch a glimpse of the tiny muddy rivers, winding their way through the thick growth.  Any Alligators do you think?  I think maybe so.  As we entered Shreveport, we saw lots of port activity and several bridges connecting to downtown.  This is quite a large city.  We continued on to the Mississippi border and quickly into Vicksburg.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer you missed a pic of the longhorn! But interesting about the U.S.S. Cairo. Glad you're having fun!
