Saturday, May 9, 2009

Extended stay in Evergreen, CO

Yay!  The mechanic arrived in town this morning (Friday) and said the news looked good.  He thinks our RV just needs a new fuel filter and a change of oil and oil filter.  He and Rich took a test drive to see if the fuel pump did the trick, and it did.  It would be a couple of hours, so Lindsey and I took the car and drove further up into the mountains to see what we could see.  We were up around 8000 ft and we saw a few patches of snow.  Oh oh, the snow just on the other side of the "electric fence" looked really inviting!  After careful testing, we determined it was not electrical.  Of course we climbed through and played a little.  We then hiked one of the really pretty trails that we came across.  We could have hiked all day, the weather was awesome, and so were the views!  

The lady at the repair shop, told us that there was some White Buffalo that a man down the road keeps on his property.  We couldn't find them, and after driving a few more miles, decided to return to see how the RV was coming. Almost done, so Rich had some time to help us locate the Buffalo :)  We found them, and they were quit impressive.  He had about twenty or so Buffalo, some Prong Horn Sheep, south African Elk and lots of ducks and geese.  It is sort of funny that he has this animal oasis way out here.  You drive right onto his property, no charge.  This is not a tourist place and he keeps the animal basically for his own enjoyment.   

Went back to the shop, paid our bill, hooked up and off we went to get Beaver, Utah!  They told us that the drive through the Rockies would be absolutely gorgeous, but NOTHING to see and no services (basically, no people!) after we leave Colorado!  He told us to be sure and fill our tanks at the last stop before the border.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. So, how exactly did you test the "electric fence?"
