Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Today, we headed out for Utah! We decided to take the scenic route through the Rockies! There was still quite a bit of snow, and it was gorgeous!! We stopped at the summit to take in the view and rest a bit. Rich and I made our lunch in the RV and Lindsey and Brett drove into Vail to grab a bite to eat and look around. They were lucky to be there during the Teva Mountain Games! There were booths everywhere and competitions going on. They did a little window shopping in the ski village, and then headed back to the highway.

The Colorado River was as high as I’ve ever seen it!! Parts of it were going SO fast, it was crashing against the banks and going completely over the bike road! The water was right up to the highway in some of the low places, and WAY overflowing the usual banks! We saw two kayakers who were not having an easy time of it! I’m always amazed at how fast the terrain changes as we approach Grand Junction, CO. We leave the rocky, pine studded mountains and enter a very flat and gravely stretch of highway. As we move into Utah, we begin seeing the red rock formations and beautiful striated edges of the mesas. It is really interesting how the land is so flat for miles, and the mesas just appear out of nowhere, like many islands in an ocean.

We all met up for a fuel stop in Grand Junction, and continued on to the Green River KOA for the night. We planned on BBQing hot dogs and making smores for dessert, but there was no grill at our site. No problem, Brett just “borrowed” one from aways down the road! We ate outside tonight, the weather was perfect! We decided which show we wanted to see in Vegas, did some laundry, watched a movie and turned in.