Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 6, 2011 heading to Azusa

As you can see, the kids have had all they can handle of Vegas!!!

This morning we decided to leave Las Vegas on a big note, so we went to the MGM for their Grand Breakfast Buffet. After breakfast, we pulled out at about 11:30. We planned on meeting up at Bryan’s place in Azusa for a late lunch, but pulling the trailer with the car has definite speed limitations, especially in California (pretty strict limits when towing). So we ended up with an early 4pm dinner at Outback in the Mall next to Bryan’s apt. It was SO much fun listening to the kids catching up on things!! We had a lot of good laughs :) We went over to Bryan’s to show Brett his place, and to see how everything was shaping up. It’s looking really good! Bryan has his drums all set up, and plays them daily with all the muting pads in place of course. We talked and talked, and I was loving the visit, but we needed to hit the road. I had no idea how the time just flew by until we got back in the RV and the clock said 8pm! We wanted to get to Harris Ranch before dark, hahaha, not much chance of that happening!

After the Grapevine, we stopped a couple of times for fuel, driver changes and leg stretches. We pulled into Harris about midnight.

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