Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011, Colorado

We all set our alarms and snooze buttons so we were sure to get Brett to the airport in Rapid City on time. Breakfast- check, backpack- check, new outfit- check, travel size tooth paste (we’ll see if his 10 ounce tube makes it past security), headphones-check!! He is ready to head to California and wow the Apple folks :)

We dropped him at the airport, took pictures, and wished him all the best. Rich and Lindsey wanted Starbucks so we headed to one that was just down the road. We had just sat down when Brett called Lindsey and told her that his toothpaste was confiscated, and that the flight was over booked. We crossed our fingers that he wouldn’t get bumped. Well, he made it on board, but another text soon followed – he left his clothes for his interview in the back of our car!!! A brief moment of panic set in and I felt totally responsible for distracting him with my picture taking :( Lindsey, who is always the calm voice of reason in a crisis, reminded him that he had 4 hours between his arrival and the interview that he could use to go shopping. Besides, then he would have another new work outfit when he starts his new job! LeeAnne picked him up from the Oakland airport, took him to get his resume printed, drove him to Stonridge Mall in Pleasanton to shop and grab a bite to eat, and then headed to Berkeley for the interview. She took a picture of him in the “newest” outfit and sent it to us. He looked very spiffy!

While all of this was unfolding, we were headed to Denver, Colorado. Rich drove the RV, and Lindsey and I followed in Brett’s car. The weather was good, and the drive was very pleasant. As we neared the border between Wyoming and Colorado, we remembered that Cheyenne was the Capital of Wyoming and we were going to almost pass right by it! I am trying to take a picture of all of the State Capitals for a scrapbook, so we just had to take a little detour. We left Rapid City at about 9am, and arrived at the Strasburg KOA just outside of Denver at about 7pm. We will pick up Brett at the airport in Denver tomorrow morning and then drive into Colorado Springs to visit with the Keala’s! Brett has a cousin in Castle Rock, just north of Colorado Springs, so we will try to make a connection there as well. Tonight we had Pizza delivered to the RV for dinner, then hit the hay early.


  1. LOL! Pizza delivered to the RV? I wanna hear more about that. Did they find you okay?

  2. Well, we were actually right outside there door! so when it was ready, Lindsey just grabbed it. They were delivering Pizzas all over the campground!! Pretty conveniant!
