Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thurs, June 2, 2011 visiting in Colorado


This morning we picked Brett up from the Denver International Airport. We went to breakfast at Einstein Bagels then came back to the RV so Brett could take a power nap.

By 11:30, we were off to Colorado Springs to have lunch with the Keala family. Ashley, Ally and Tyler gave Brett the “tour” of their house and backyard, and they were very excited to see us! We were lucky to see Kurtis because he had to work today, but he stopped by for a while and we caught up on things. The four of us, and Amy and the kids went to BJ’s for lunch. We had a great time! Tyler lost his first teeth, Ally showed us her piano recital video, and left me a very special message on my phone, and Ashley and I exchanged info for our contact list, shared apps and talked about softball. It was great visiting with Amy and hearing all about her work at the school, and what all is going on in the Keala household :) Ashley had a game to get to in Pueblo this evening, so after we finished our Pazookies, we gave our hugs and said goodbye until we pass through again.

On our way back up to Denver, we stopped in Castle Rock to see Brett’s cousin and her family. Brett hasn’t seen them in a very long time, so it was quite a reunion. Cathy (Brett’s cousin) is the daughter of Kris who we met at his Mom’s house in Cleveland. She and her husband Jake have two children, Nathan and Maggie. Today was Nathan’s first day of pre-school, and he told us all about it. He is so cute, and talks up a storm! Maggie just turned 1 year old and was practicing her newly acquired skill of walking. We took lots of pictures, and Brett had a really great time!

When we left, we stopped by Walmart to stock up on food, and then we headed back to the RV. Surprise….I’m getting spoiled! Brett and Lindsey BBQ’d tonight! It’s so much fun having him back on board. Tomorrow, we are headed to Utah.

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