Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 the road to Amarillo, TX

We awoke not so bright and early Wednesday, May 18th for the drive to Amarillo. It is SO windy here, and COLD!! Yesterday we had some trouble with our levelers so we had to disconnect them. Sleeping with all that wind blowing against the RV made us feel as though we were on a cruise ship! After a good breakfast, and getting our sea legs back, we set off to Texas.

After leaving about an hour late, and forgetting the time change, our lunch in Santa Rosa was more like an early dinner. But that worked out great because I felt no guilt in ordering the one beef taco, tamale, cheese enchilada, rice and beans!!!! So good J As we came into Amarillo, Lindsey spotted the Cadillac Ranch, another attraction from our coffee table book! It was really fun! We had to walk way out into the cow pasture to get to the cars that are upended and buried 1/3 into the ground. There is a whole row of them, all brightly spray painted with graffiti. There are cans of paint all over the ground, so Lindsey and I grabbed some cans and added our own artistic flair! Then it was just a short drive to our KOA. We have now gone close to 1500 miles, almost there!

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