Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 arriving in Cleveland

When we woke up this morning, we could finally see what a beautiful campground this was! There is a huge lake almost all the way around the RV sites and they also have extensive equestrian trails. We had our breakfast and headed out for Cleveland. We were all very excited to see Brett’s home turf and family! We stopped for a quick bite at Chipotle because we drove straight in to Cleveland and our tummies were rumbling J As we came close to Cleveland Heights, where Brett Lives, he began giving us the tour. It was really fun seeing his old schools, places where he lived , worked, and his favorite hangouts around town. Cleveland Heights is a really fun community with lots of character! He lives on a beautiful tree lined street with lush greenery, Azaleas and Rhododendrons. His house has a front porch with a swing! I love it J His Mom planned dinner at her place with Brett’s Aunt, two cousins, brother and his Dad. Shortly after we arrived, the sky turned dark, the wind came out of nowhere, and it absolutely poured! Just minutes before, we were sitting in the backyard enjoying the patio and playing with Diddy, their Italian Whippet. Everyone hadn’t gotten there yet, so we were concerned about them driving in such bad weather. Soon everyone arrived safely, and we all sat around the dining room table and enjoyed all of the food that everyone brought. What a feast! We had sushi, chicken wings, green salad with avocados and strawberries, chicken casserole, macaroni and cheese, lasagna, coleslaw, hummus and pita, Brett’s favorite pickles, bread, cookie dough brownies with ice cream and cookies! It was great getting to know everyone and sharing stories! Tomorrow, Brett is taking us around downtown Cleveland.

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