Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011 arrived In Jackson!

Leaving Caddo Mills we traveled several miles on farm roads. Beautiful country!! I decided that I would love to live in Poetry, TX. There is rolled hay dotting the landscape, cattle and horses under the shade of beautiful trees, and green grassy pasture as far as you can see. The houses are built of brick, and post card worthy. After about an hour and a half we came back to the highway. We had lunch at Cracker Barrel in Shreveport Louisiana. Then it was on into Mississippi. As we crossed the bridge over the Mississippi River, we could see all the flooding that had been going on in the area. It has been in the news for weeks about how the river is dangerously high and farm land is being intentionally flooded to protect the levees around several cities. We caught a glimpse of some of the docks at Vicksburg and the water was all the way to the street, at least 40 feet above where the boat ramps are! We could see some roofs peeking above the water. As soon as we crossed the bridge, we couldn’t see anything more of the flooding. All the roads along the river were closed, and once we crossed, the river was behind us. We heard on the news that so far 5000 people were displaced in Mississippi alone. This was very sad to see. I wonder how our friends in the Atchafalaya Basin are doing?

We arrived in Jackson in time to pick up Lindsey’s car, settle the RV into the campground, and pick Brett up from work. We had dinner at Mint, a really nice restaurant that is a favorite of theirs. In the morning we are going to plan our return journey, hopefully a little less “pedal to the metal” J

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