Thursday, May 19, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011, pics from the road to Azusa and Barstow

We are off on our next journey across the States! This time we are headed to Mississippi to pick up what is left of Lindsey’s things, her car and Brett! Yep, Brett is coming to California. He is plugged in to some job opportunities with Apple in the Bay Area, so we are all keeping our fingers crossed for him.

The plan was to leave Sunday night, May 15th and get as far as Harris Ranch. We are bringing Bryan’s desk and some clothes and hangers to him on the way, so we figured this would get us into Azusa the next day by late morning. Well, we weren’t quite ready to leave as planned (What? That never happens). So we ended up leaving the next morning and drove all the way to his apartment. We ended up having an early dinner together instead of lunch. He has a really nice place just a few blocks from the University and two really great roommates! He is interviewing for a job with the APU IT dept. He sailed through the first round of interviews, so we are all very hopeful he will get an offer.

After lots of hugs and “Go get ‘em Bryan” we set off for Yermo KOA.

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