Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jan 18 - Yuma, AZ

This morning, Rich and I went back to the show to get a different fitting for his flag pole and to get some awning hangers for everyone. Then it was off to Yuma to see the Territorial Prison. We walked around the grounds and watched an informative video on the history of the prison and early Yuma. We then went to The Olive Garden for lunch, then to a gift shop associated with a date farm. We all bought dates and magnets then headed to two more quilt stores! While we were in the store, the guys went to a feed and tack shop to buy shallow aluminum pans for their Dutch ovens, and Albertson's to buy powdered sugar and walnuts so we could make stuffed dates!! We didn't stop for dinner because we wanted to get back to camp before dark. Yuma was about an hour and a half away, but with some slow trucks, our journey lasted a bit longer. Have you ever been in the desert at night? Well, you can't see much and our camp was in the desert, not a campground! Rich has good night vision and Jeanette was pretty sure of the mile marker where we left the highway, so we did fine. Safely back at camp, we built a fire and snacked on leftovers and dates!! It started to rain pretty hard, but that didn't stop us from sitting at the fire until all of Larry's wood scraps from home were ashes! Can you see the umbrellas in the picture of Brook and Mike by the fire?