Monday, December 7, 2009

Dec 6 - Long drive to Van Horn, TX

We left Mesa yesterday and began the long trip to Van Horn, TX! Too bad that at this time of year the nights come sooner and it gets dark by 5:00pm :( Oh well, we still saw some beautiful scenery! Rich decided to venture off of the main highway and go through the foothills (I guess that is what you would call them at almost 5000 feet!) We passed through the city of Globe and Miami, AZ. which is the copper capital of the world! Huge strip mine, and very small, quiet towns.

Continuing on, we crossed the border into New Mexico. Barb and I went into the visitors center to collect some brochures and scope out some other things to do. It was very cold and windy here indeed! At this point we had a little trouble with "Bob" (our navigator)so we wern't sure if we were going to get to the KOA in Texas at 10pm or 3am ha ha ha!!! Even though we knew better, it was still a little scary :) We found an interesting restaurant in the guide book that was in an historic town just outside of Las Cruces. We enjoyed some very authentic Mexican food with some great atmosphere - colorful Christmas trees, parrots, a toucan and a piranha!!!!

Yay! We had a little celebration as we crossed over the border into Texas - closer to 10pm than 3am! I love El Paso! You drive right along the Mexican border for quite a long time. There is a long stretch of nothing on the US side, but all the city lights from Mexico were with us for miles! As we approached a border patrol checkpoint, we could see snow in the hills but it seemed like it was far enough away so, no worries :) Oops! As we passed through the checkpoint, the snow was on the road! Definitely getting colder! As soon as we came out from the large overhang for the border guards protection, the snow was gone.

We stayed in Van Horn, TX for the night, checked in at 10:30pm - no plans on getting up too early! Today, we are off to San Antonio!!

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