Thursday, August 20, 2009

Aug. 19 - Erin leaves for home

We are chillin' in the RV while Erin gets packed up. Today we are dropping her off at the Houston Airport :( She needs to get organized for her classroom, the kids start school next week. The weather has turned kind of gloomy here in Lafayette, but still hotter than I don't know what! We drove over an elevated highway for quite some time, it is several feet above the swamps. Almost as soon as we entered Texas, the ground began to dry out, but the rain started. When the rain came down it was like it was being shot from a high pressure hose- glad it was sporadic and not very long lived! It was interesting to see all of the hurricane diversion routes, and hot line numbers posted everywhere. We weren't too far from where Ike hit with a vengeance.

After about 3 1/2 hours, we were in Houston. The airport was not at all access able for our RV, so we drove Erin by the rental cars and had her take one of their shuttles in. That worked out great, as soon as she left the RV, a shuttle pulled up! We are now back on the road for another 3 1/2 hours to San Antonio TX.

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