Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aug 11 - stargazing

The night before we left Albuquerque, we layed out on top of the picnic tables next to our RV until about 1am watching the Perseid Meteor shower. The sky was perfect for star gazing! Out in such a remote area, there were no city lights to obscure our view. It was an extremely hot afternoon, but by nightfall the temperature dropped dramatically. Almost as soon as we started watching, there were two VERY close shooting stars! It really was beautiful!! They were so close; they looked like a flare being shot across the campground. The tail stayed visible for a few seconds, and it extended half way across the sky!! The meteors became fewer and farther between, but we were treated to a real show by the resident Bat community! We could have reached out and touched them (yes Brett, they really were bats! I have witnesses). We began seeing a lot of lightning on the horizon, and realized that a storm was approaching from the east. So sad, the sky was so clear up until then L Just as the clouds began to get in our way, it cleared up! Yay! I was so lucky that I brought my “Sky Scout” with me. I was able to identify quite a few stars. Jupiter was really big and bright right over us. Mars is supposed to be closer to Earth at the end of August than it will be for over a hundred years! I hope we will be somewhere as cool as this for viewing it!

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