Sunday, May 10, 2009

Utah to California to pick up Bryan

We woke up in Utah this morning, Saturday, and I have to say that once we drove about 250 miles into the state, it finally began to look pretty nice.  Maybe I'm not being fair because we did drive in at night and we couldn't see much.  We were definitely starting to return to the desert by the look of things.  We planned on getting Bryan packed up today, so we are hitting the road pretty early, well, for us anyway :)

We went through some really nice red rock country!  I tried to take pictures of the intense colors, but the sun was not co-operating.  I got a few good ones however.  We passed through Cedar City, which was going to be our destination for last night.  That is actually a pretty big city!  After a few hours in the red rock, we began to see some cacti.  Yep, we were approaching the Arizona border. Quick trip across the corner of the state, then into Nevada.

Ok, we couldn't resist.  It would be a shame to drive right through Vegas and not stop :)  We were doing good with our time, so we turned a sharp left and right down Las Vegas Blvd.  Another summer in Vegas, we've missed them.  I couldn't believe how much it has grown just in two years!!  We parked the RV behind Excalibur, and walked to the Luxor for lunch.  Wanted to go to Mesa Grill (my favorite!!!), but we couldn't take too long for lunch.  We had a great sandwich, said a brief hello to the slots, and back on the road we went.

Oh yes, how could I forget!!  The Mojave Desert again - Yikes!  We made a quick stop in Baker for fuel, and on into California.  We arrived at our KOA in Pomona, unhooked the car, and headed to Azusa.  OMG, we aren't gonna get him packed in an hour!!!!  How could three guys have so much stuff!  We filled the car and went to dinner and back to the KOA.  It was great finally having Bryan on board :)

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