Monday, May 4, 2009

Lunch On The Road

We left Kansas City this morning and decided that we needed to see some of the local interests instead of just blowing through Missouri.  So we headed to the Harry Truman Library and museum.  It was a lot of fun!  I especially enjoyed the 1952 room where they displayed all the covers of life magazine for that year as well as some other publications.  We learned a lot about his terms, as well as interesting facts about some of the other Presidents.

We took a short drive through town and saw the home where President Truman lived, a really scary mansion that looked like the Munster house, a lot of old churches and a horse drawn carriage.  There were many points of interest here that we didn't have time to see, but we wrote them all down for the next time :)  

It was about 4 o'clock when we got back on the road and drove 380 miles to the Gunsmoke RV Park in Dodge City, KS.  Yep, it was a long drive. We miscalculated the distance just a little bit.  The weather held out and the scenery was gorgeous!  Kansas is very flat and green with lots and lots of ranches and farms.  Over 200 of the miles that we traveled today were on country roads!

1 comment:

  1. The Truman museum sounds great! Was it very different from the more contemporary ones we've seen (Reagan, Nixon...?)
