Friday, July 9, 2010

July 8, 2010

Today we took a real laid back approach and enjoyed just chillin’ at the campground. Barb’s feet were bothering her, so we decided to take a break from touring and walking. Instead we watched a little TV, played some board games and BBQ’d hamburgers for lunch.

While we were sitting outside, someone pulled into the site right across from us under the direction of the camp host. Not sure who’s fault it was, probably shared responsibility, but the driver cut it too short and hit a tree! I was turned away when it happened, and it was so loud I thought they were emptying the dumpsters! He dented the whole side of his trailer and ripped off the awning! They were not “happy campers”!

Hope Barb is feeling better tomorrow. We are thinking of taking a nice drive, maybe to Lake Tahoe.


  1. I see Nana got in her daily dose of I Love Lucy! :)

  2. Yep! She was definitely a happy camper!
