Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan 15, 16, 17 & 18 - Quartzsite, AZ

The drive from Lake Havasu to Quartzsite was about 80 miles. Along the way we saw a lot more desert, and followed the Colorado River for quite a while. There were some very picturesque spots!
The closer we got to Quartzsite, the more RVs we saw on the road. The several soon became hundreds, and the hundreds soon became thousands!! It was crazy - like ants to a picnic!!

We drove past Quartzsite, the site of the big flea market and RV show, to our campsite on the Bureau Of Land Management property out in the dessert. Before heading out into the desert, we had to stop at the BLM cabin and purchase our camping permits. They give you an orange sticker for your vehicle that allows you to stay anywhere you wish for up to 14 days! Back to carrying our own water and using generators :) After we set up camp, the guys went to the discount tool warehouse and a solar products store, and the girls went to another Quilt store! When we returned, we had a Tri-tip dinner provided by Jeanette and Larry. We built a camp fire and roasted marshmallows!

The next morning we headed into Quartzsite for the big event! We got there about an hour after it opened and there already was almost no parking to be found! The lot was completely full, and the only safe off road places to park were few and far between. There were lots of trucks and cars getting buried to their running boards in the soft sand, so we were very careful. We had a bit of a hike to get to the tents from where we parked! Oh my gosh, there were so many people, we could hardly see the vendors through the crowd.

We all bought lots and lots of goodies that day! Our feet were killing us from all the walking, so we headed back to camp and had a lasagna dinner provided by Rich and Sue.

The next morning, I had a crocheting lesson! It is really harder than it looks! While we were all making our washcloths and socks, the guys went out to get water. Just our luck - the pump was broken!! They had to go into town and buy water! Larry had a 45 gallon water bladder in the back of his truck and Ron had 6 five gallon jugs. It was a very interesting process getting the water out of the various containers and into the RVs. After a quick lunch, Larry and Rich dropped Jeanette, Sue and I back in Quartzsite at the tent, and they went off to buy some flagpoles and whirly gigs! Us girls walked and walked and walked! We were determined to find the tortilla warmers that we knew they had for sale somewhere in the sea of tents and booths that literally stretched for miles! We were just about to give up when we got a call from the guys. They found the tortilla warmers! We met up with them, had something to drink, then headed back to camp. Larry and Rich had fun putting together their flags poles!

Tonight's dinner was oven roasted chicken, provided by Mike and Brook.

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