Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan 13, 14 - Lake Havasu, AZ

This morning we drove a little over 250 miles to Lake Havasu, AZ. Just as we entered Arizona, we had a great view of the Colorado River! The campground that we are staying in is one where you can purchase the sites and actually build little bungalows next to your RV parking strip. Some of them are very nice, with a bedroom, kitchen, garage and covered outdoor patios!

After getting settled, and taking a much needed shower, we decided to go to a Barbecue place downtown for dinner. When we went back to our cars, the wind had really begun to blow hard. Back at the campground, we all did laundry and caught up on our e-mail.

The next morning we got up and planned for our marathon day in the Lake Havasu area. The girls decided to go to two quilt shops that were listed in Jeanette's "big" book, and the guys went and got their trucks washed. The first quilt shop that we went to was closed because they were away at a quilt show in California! Go figure :( But the second store was open and we all bought something. We met up with the guys at Red Robin for lunch and then walked across the street to the London Bridge! Yes, it is the real deal, purchased from England when they built a new one! The area here is all British, with a Hyde Park and a Windsor Pier! In the hotel at the bridge, they have the only existing replica of the Royal Coach, presented to the city by the Queen! After viewing the coach, we continued on our journey.

The road to Oatman is actually part of the original route 66. We traveled for about an hour on this very rough and isolated dirt road. Then we finally saw signs of life - donkeys!!! Yes, there were donkeys walking all around! We parked the car (I drove) and were accompanied by a very friendly donkey down the one and only street in town. Our tour brochure said to expect the donkeys, so Jeanette brought carrots and Brook brought celery so that we could all feed them. Once word of food traveled through the donkey community, we were visited by even more! They hung around us for a very long time until they realized that we had no more food. Before my "friend" left for greener pastures, he gave me a little nip on the leg! There is a restaurant here that was featured on a TV travel show. Everyone who comes to visit signs a dollar bill, then staples it to the wall. There is money hanging on every wall, ceiling and pillar. There is literally no space that isn't covered! Brook told us that about two years ago she heard that there was over $65,000 in one dollar bills there, imagine how much is there now!

We drove back into Havasu City for an authentic Mexican dinner - Yummy! Tomorrow it's off to Quartzsite!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love that photo of you feeding the donkey! :o)
