Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We Made It !!!

We have arrived in the Dallas area, and it's only a little after 6:30!  I am being very honest when I say that I have NEVER experienced rain like this before!  The news said 5 inches in the last 6 hours!  It was crazy driving, and we saw that the locals drove with their emergency flashers on so they wouldn't get hit from behind.  Smart because at times you could not see too far past your front bumper.

After a few hours of that madness, we were coming up to our KOA, at least that's what we thought. According to Bob, our on board navigator (GPS), we were almost there!  Oh oh!  This just didn't look right.  We left the highway for a rural road, then onto a numbered farm road, then just a muddy stripe in the grass with deep rut from tires of some vehicle that past before us, never to be seen again!  Rich said there was no way that he was driving down that road, so we traveled about 10 miles to the first place that we could stop and called the KOA.  She laughed and said, "you aren't using your GPS are you?"  Seems like the system takes everyone coming here, no matter where they are coming from, 20 - 30 miles in the wrong direction!  With only an hour or so before dark, and a few minutes before the KOA office closed, I'm glad that we were able to get help.  Rich said, "no worries, we have plenty of food, and a generator."  Personally, 

We are staying outside of Dallas in the town of Caddo Mills.  It is rural farmland, and very green with lots of creeks and marshes.  Most of the homes we saw are made of brick and quite large.  The schools that we past were also very expansive.  I guess they are right when they say that everything is bigger in Texas.  We head on to Mississippi tomorrow, so we are hoping for much better weather!

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe... that's an awesome story. Sometimes those GPS guys flat-out lie. :P
