Saturday, April 25, 2009

Here we are in our campsite in Flagstaff.  We are looking forward to a day NOT on the road :) 

It is extremely windy, but we decided to take a hike anyway.  Glad that we did!!  We took a 2 mile loop that went up another 1500 feet in elevation from our campground.  Lucky it was a loop cause the first mile was a killer!!  Took lots of little breaks and enjoyed the surroundings.  Great views of the valley below. We could literally see most of Flagstaff. Heading back down for the second mile was wonderful.  

We are eating in for most meals and learning to use all of our kitchen gadgets.  I thought that using this program was confusing, you should try to figure out the microwave!  

Planning on getting a good night's sleep and heading out early for Albuquerque, NM.  Hope the wind dies down a little, if not, we will poke along!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job figuring out how to post pictures...hehehe. You guys look like you are having fun! Take tons of pictures!
