Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tues, Jan 24, 2012 Quartsite

Today we had a quick breakfast and then we all piled into the Jeep and headed for the show! It took us until lunchtime just to get through the big tent! We of course bought all the essentials like tortilla warmers, eyeglass cleaner, magic water beads, garlic grinders, and a radio controlled helicopter!! Hahaha, all stuff we could never find back home J After the tent, we stopped for ice cream and Taco’s for lunch, and in that exact order of necessity. Then it was off to the flea market. Hundreds, no thousands of booths with everything you could ever think of needing in your RV. Walk, walk, walk. Felt good to stretch out the legs and get some steps in!

We headed back to camp around 4, and luckily our wind socks were soaring 30 feet above our RVs because there are no street signs in the desert and all the rocks and cactus look the same! The boys charged up their helicopters, but it was too windy to fly them tonight. Ron has to bring his back in the morning, the back propeller didn’t work L We then got the fire going, and started the coals for the Dutch ovens. Tonight it is BBQ chicken, left over cheesy potatoes and beans, and green salad. For dessert, we had éclairs and puff pastries!!

We plan on sleeping in a bit in the morning, then hitting the show again.