Monday, October 3, 2011

Mon, Oct 3, 2011

Today we slept in! We headed to the Las Vegas Strip at about 10am. Last night we looked at all of the lights, and today we’re going to see “The Palazzo” and “The Wynn”. Barb has not seen these two yet. We walked and walked, looked around some shops, and played a few slots. Rich won $10 and Barb won $15! I lost a dollar L It was getting to be lunch time, so we walked over to “The Mirage” and ate at “BLT Burger”. We thought about going to “The Venetian” for some ice cream at Hagen Das, but our lunch was HUGE, so we just looked around at the canal shops. We left Vegas a little before 3 and headed to Harris Ranch.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT!?!?! You did not stop at Mesa Grille!?!?! Are you OK?
