Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011 almost ready to go

Well, yesterday (Sunday) was more of the same. Packing, packing and more packing J We moved some stuff around to maximize space and distribute weight, which included strapping the BBQ to the top of the RV. Lindsey went to Brett’s to pack the rest of his things, and Rich and I went shopping for more bungee cords, and some cables for the TV. By late afternoon, we brought two more carloads of packed boxes to the RV. Some of the stuff will travel in the car while it’s in tow, and some things will go in Brett’s trunk. The kids went to dinner with two of their very good friends, one of whom was Brett’s roommate for 3 years!

There were way too many mosquitoes out to do much after sundown, so we called it a night and planned to finish it all in the morning. This was our first night all together in the RV, we are going to have a blast!

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