Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Death Valley

This morning we headed to Darwin Falls. From Furnace Creek to the start of the road to the falls was about 50 miles. Along the way we passed through the little resort of Panamint Springs. Here there is a gas station, motel with 15 rooms, a campground and a restaurant.

We turned off the paved road to the washboard, dirt road leading to the falls. The road was really hard to see from the main road and some of the caravan missed the turn off. As soon as they found a place to turn around, we all headed very slowly down the dirt, avoiding rocks and holes along the way to the falls. Once we got to the small parking area, it was a mile walk to get to the falls. It was really fun! There was quite a bit of climbing over rocks and boulders, ducking under very dry and scratchy brush, and wading through ankle deep water and mud. Barb and I got separated from the group and apparently we took the low road while the rest took the high road. When we met the others at the falls, we were quite a bit muddier! Going back, I figured my shoes were already a mess, so I opted to walk along the water’s edge most of the way, rather than climb on the very slippery rocks with wet feet. When we got back to the car we ate our packed lunches.

On the way back to Furnace Creek, we stopped in the town of Stovepipe Wells to get ice cream and hit the gift shop. Right before our camp, we drove a short distance off the road to the abandoned Harmony Borax mine, the home of the “20 Mule Teem”. Barb and Marsha had never been here, and we knew they would enjoy the history of this spot and take a few pictures. Then it was off to the Visitor’s Center again to make last minute purchases!

We barbequed hot dogs over the campfire for dinner, and had S’mores for dessert!!

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