Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2012 Quartsite

More of the same today. We headed back to the flea market at about 10am and went back for some things that we saw yesterday. Had lunch again at our favorite Taco stand and then we hit some more venders across the street. Before heading back to the car, we stopped for some shave ice!

When we got back to camp, the guys went into town to get more water. We have a 45 gallon bladder in the back of the car that Rich filled from the BLM water well. He bought a small pump and hooked it up to a hose so he can pump the water back into the RV when they get back. After they filled all the RVs, it was time for some R&R. The girls did some sewing, reading, gaming and food prep and Ron Tried out his new helicopter that he was able to get on exchange. Luck was not with him again, and he broke a propeller on it’s maiden flight L We do have spare props on board, so we will wait for a more “landing friendly” spot to fly them.

We started the coals for our last Dutch Oven meal – pork chops, potatoes, cheesy zucchini and applesauce. Brook made a coffee cake for dessert. It was a much nicer day, weather wise, and we sat for a longer time at the fire before retiring for the night.


  1. The zucchini! Yay! Bummer about the helicopter...

  2. Yep, I felt bad because he was the one who was the most excited about the helicopters :(
